Top Ten Reasons to Attend Emmanuel

Quick, fun and effective video for Emmanuel College (directed by KOR Agency).  This piece immediately increased applications and acceptance rates by over 10%.  This has lead to a brand new admissions video, so stay tuned ... even if you're not a saint.

Looking for the college that will be the next chapter in your adventure? Whether it's calling the Jean Yawkey Center your new living room, meeting new people at the Corner Pocket, or simply being in the middle of the best college city in the country, you have to hear why you should jump into the action at Emmanuel.

Welcome to Phillips Exeter Academy

This morning, 396 students awoke to find this message from Phillips Exeter Academy in their inbox, telling them that they'd been accepted to PEA and that we're all celebrating with them.  Over 3500 people have watched this video since its release just 12 hours ago. 

Once again we recorded one of the many musical groups on campus.  Such a great group of kids and a blast to work with. 

Waldorf School Trailer

Having helped schools raise over 65 million dollars in the last two years -- we are once again excited to help a great school achieve its development goals.  In the midst of a modest 2 million dollar campaign, The Seacoast Waldorf School understands the power of film to inspire their donors.  Here is a trailer to help gather the largest supporters to an upcoming gala event -- the full length piece will be viewed there.

New England Winter ... Deal With It

If you can't beat em join em.  That's the way this Winter is going for most of us around here in New England.  When cold -- skate, when snowy -- stud up and ride bikes, when blizzard -- cross country ski.  Or, pack up and go to Florida. 

Special thanks to cousin Myles Heffernan and his band Howard -- a rising sensation in NYC.  This song, Falling, was just highlighted on NPR's All Songs Considered.